Business Solutions

Financial Consulting For
Business Growth

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Goal planning

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Tax Investication

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Goal planning

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Get a clear path to your financial Business goals.

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Mr. Adbert Smith

CEO of Industerio

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Presenting products and services that are right for you

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Production of conveyors

Production of conveyors Production and assembly of steel structures and equipment.


Production of industrial tanks

Production of conveyors Production and assembly of steel structures and equipment.

Aksemont doo

Production of steel structures

Production of conveyors Production and assembly of steel structures and equipment.

Aksemont doo
Corporate Finance 2

Construction of pipelines

Production of conveyors Production and assembly of steel structures and equipment.

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Mission is to Protect
your Finance File

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We work with you to address
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Group 65

Certified Finance
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Dževad Alatić

Technical Director

Edisa Alatić

Bachelor inzenjer hemijskog inzenjerstva i tehnologije

Kemal Alatić


Semir Alatić

Deputy director

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Izrada tankova od nehrdjajuceg celika 3


Tankovi su vangabaritnih dimenzija . Njihova namjena jeste za unapređenje u procesu farbanja . Izvršeno je ispitivanje na isdrostatski

11 Jul
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Jarbol BiH cover 2

Jarbol za zastavu Bosne i Hercegovine

  Donacija jarbola za mjesno područje Falešic Grad Srebrenik. Visina jarbola je 33m sa mehanizmom dizanja i spuštanja zastave.

11 Jul
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nagrada 2013

Aksemont izvozi u Njemačku, Englesku, Švedsku, Sloveniju…

Firma „Aksemont“ iz Srebrenika, jedna je od najsvjetlijih privrednih priča kako na području Tuzlanskog kantona tako i cijele BiH,

07 Oct
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